Monthly Archives: February 2016

Pro Marijuana Legalization

pro marijuanaMarijuana acceptance is a very recent, burgeoning trend, and it is certainly not welcomed by everyone. A great many negative opinions still exist on the subject of marijuana and a number of people want it to remain a banned substance. However, the educated demographic of people opposed to marijuana legalization still understand that it is proving to have many potential uses. In fact, one would have to carry a bias to deny that marijuana is without benefits.

The science of medical marijuana is a very new field which we can expect to grow immensely in the years to come. The effect that marijuana has on cell regeneration is a growing area of study. Marijuana is a very mysterious herb in that it has been observed to destroy some types of cells and replenish others. It is possible that marijuana is capable of regrowing some types of cells that have been killed by disease, substance abuse and age, like the type of cell found in bodily tissues and even brain matter.

Marijuana is also being found to act as powerful relief for a number of mental problems. Marijuana seems to be the most helpful for mental problems that involve some kind of trauma, such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. This is in part accredited to its ability to reroute the neural network and make the brain temporarily forget or reorganize information. There is still a great deal of testing that needs to be done in this area, but a number of people swear that marijuana has therapeutic effects far beyond what science has identified thus far.

Apart from these recent discoveries in marijuana, it has long been known to help people in a variety of ways. Marijuana has the ability to stimulate hunger and ease the unpleasant physical symptoms of a number of diseases and maladies, including multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, cancer, spinal injuries and AIDS. It helps people with nausea eat, it helps people living with chronic pain to relax and it can play an important part in physical therapy.

No to Marijuana Legalization

mariujana legalization consMarijuana is being discovered to have many benefits, however, even intelligent pro marijuana advocates acknowledge that there is good reason to exercise caution with marijuana and to not use it haphazardly. Marijuana is a controversial matter in North America. An illegal substance for decades, marijuana is only recently gaining some acceptance as a medicinal plant and a relatively safe recreational substance.

One particular problem observed in marijuana users are the mental problems they create or exacerbate in some people. Marijuana is known for its mild, gentle effects that provide relaxation to its users. But the fact remains that like any drug, it does not effect everyone in the same way. Some sedatives cause energy and anxiety in certain brain types, some sleep aids cause an allergic reaction in certain users and so on. One of the reasons that marijuana is being studied so heavily right now is because it has not been categorized for what type of effect it has on the brain. It would seem to effect different people in different ways, some positive and some negative. It is of particular concern to medical and mental health professionals that marijuana causes fear, paranoia, anxiety and even psychosis in some cases.

Another drawback to smoking marijuana is that smoking any plant matter results in some carcinogens that are hard on the lungs, and marijuana is no exception. The process of inhaling carcinogens and burning plant matter creates build up on the lungs over time that can cause cancer and other lung conditions. It is true, however, that burning through a cigarette is far more toxic than burning through a bud of marijuana because cigarettes contain tar and chemicals that cause cancer and other lung problems.

If there is any one true sentiment about marijuana use it is that there is simply too much we do not know about it yet and it should be approached with respect. It was prohibited for so many decades and studies were simply not done on it. There is a great deal of research to catch up on before we have a clear idea of how marijuana works and how widely embraced it can be.