Monthly Archives: November 2021

Effects of marijuana on the body

Marijuana comes from the cannabis plant. It can either be injected, inhaled, drank, or eaten with food Many people use marijuana because they either want to derive pleasure or they want to undergo some recreational activities.

In addition, marijuana comes with some powerful mind-altering substances that impact the body and brain. For some people, it can be addictive, and for others, it can negatively impair their health.  

Here’s how marijuana affects the body

  • Respiratory system

Marijuana smoke contains some toxic chemicals that can affect the lungs. Someone who smokes regularly is likely to come up with a cough, regular sneezing, and intermittent production of phlegm. In addition, if you have a present respiratory illness, marijuana can aggravate the condition.

  • Circulatory system

The THC in marijuana moves from the lungs directly into your bloodstream and circulates all through your body. Within a short time, your heart rate increases drastically. This increase in heart rate can be sustained for more than 3 hours.

Also, this condition calls for additional oxygen on your heart. Therefore, people with heart disease are at a chance of coming down with an attack. When someone is addicted to marijuana, one of the noticeable signs is bloodshot eyes.

The reason why the eyes are red is that marijuana makes the blood vessels expand and hence, accommodate more blood. Surprisingly, THC which is present in marijuana can reduce the pressure in the eyes which is a great advantage for people who have glaucoma.

  • Central Nervous System

Marijuana also adversely affects the central nervous system by inducing some conditions. First off, it makes the brain release dopamine in large amounts. Dopamine is the chemical that makes you feel good. And when there is a withdrawal, some symptoms like insomnia, irritability, appetite loss, occur.

In addition, marijuana affects the hippocampus which affects how we process information, which also impairs judgment. So, someone who is high will be able to create new memories.

Signs of marijuana addiction

One of the most widely used drugs in the world is marijuana. When it is used excessively, it creates a dependency, develops into abuse before becoming a full-blown addiction. When someone is addicted to marijuana, it means that they cannot stop using it irrespective of the effects that come with it.

Unlike other drugs that cause death when an overdose is taken, marijuana doesn’t. However, there are some grave consequences that come with marijuana addiction.

These signs below portend that you are addicted to marijuana:

  • Loss of interest in activities

When you are addicted to marijuana, you will lack the resolve to do things you would have readily been interested in. People who are close to you will notice that you no longer cherish some activities you used to enjoy.

Similarly, if you set goals and you have an issue achieving them, it is likely that you are already addicted to marijuana.

  • Your relationships could suffer

Since you are not putting much effort into your relationships because of marijuana addiction, they could suffer. You will discover that you are distancing yourself from people who will likely not approve of your drug use.

  • You could develop withdrawal symptoms

When you are addicted to marijuana and you stop using it for sometime, you can face some withdrawal symptoms like

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Depressed mood
  • Physical problems like chills, tremors, sweating, etc.

Here are some of the general signs of marijuana addiction:

  • Having bloodshot eyes that is visible to everyone
  • Increased appetite for food and drinks
  • Lack of energy, resolve, and motivation
  • Excessive weight gain or loss
  • Reduced reaction time
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Euphoric feeling
  • Mood swings
  • When it comes to the long-term side effects of marijuana addiction, they are not as serious as other drugs. However, these side effects are peculiar to marijuana, and they are more common in adults than children.
  • Here are some of these long-term side effects
  • Panic attacks
  • Loss of memory
  • Infections in the lungs
  • Impaired ability to learn
  • Mood swings